How to find the best localisation projects in Film and Television

localisation projects

How to find the best localisation projects in Film and Television

How to find the best localisation projects in Film and Television

Looking for a localisation company? Here’s how to find the best localisation projects in Film and Television

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What is Localisation in Film and Television?

Localisation in film and television refers to the process of adapting audiovisual content, such as movies, TV shows, or documentaries, to suit the linguistic and cultural preferences of different regions and audiences. This involves translating, dubbing, subtitling, and adapting the content to fit the local context, including language, cultural norms, humor, idioms, and colloquialisms.

Localisation is essential in the film and television industry to enable content to reach a broader audience, irrespective of their language or cultural background. By localizing content, filmmakers and producers can broaden their reach, increase revenue, and build their brand globally.

The process of localisation in film and television typically involves working with a localisation company, which provides specialized services such as translation, dubbing, subtitling, and audio description. These companies employ linguists and cultural experts who are familiar with the target language and culture to ensure that the localized content is accurate and culturally relevant.

Production companies are increasingly localising their projects before release. Why?

Production companies should consider localising their projects for several reasons:

  1. Expand Global Reach: Localising content can help production companies expand their global reach and access new audiences in different regions and countries. By translating and adapting content to local languages and cultures, production companies can tap into new markets and increase their revenue potential.
  2. Increase Viewership and Engagement: Localising content can also increase viewership and engagement by making it more accessible and relatable to audiences in different regions. By adapting the content to local preferences and cultural norms, production companies can create a more immersive and engaging viewing experience that resonates with the local audience.
  3. Competitive Advantage: In today’s globalized world, localisation has become a standard practice in the film and entertainment industry. Production companies that fail to localise their content risk falling behind their competitors, who are already reaching out to audiences in different regions.
  4. Cultural Sensitivity: Localising content demonstrates cultural sensitivity and respect for the diversity of global audiences. It shows that the production company values the local culture and is willing to invest time and resources to ensure that the content is adapted to suit the local context.
  5. Enhance Brand Reputation: A production company that invests in localising its content can enhance its brand reputation as a responsible and socially conscious entity that values inclusivity and cultural diversity.

Top Localisation companies in Film and Television

  • SDI Media
  • Keywords Studios
  • Deluxe Localization
  • ZOO Digital
  • VSI Group
  • IYUNO Media Group
  • BTI Studios
  • Pixelogic Media
  • Hiventy
  • Soundub
  • Visual Data Media Services
  • STI Studios
  • Dubbing Brothers
  • TransPerfect
  • Technicolor

Do distributors and acquisition/licensing teams of streaming or broadcasting networks prefer localised content?

Yes, distributors and acquisition or licensing teams generally prefer localised content for several reasons:

  1. Increased Marketability: Localised content is more marketable and appealing to distributors, acquisition or licensing teams as it has a wider audience reach. It can be distributed to more territories and countries, resulting in increased revenue potential.
  2. Reduced Localization Costs: By acquiring already localised content, distributors, acquisition or licensing teams can save time and money on localisation. This is because they do not need to invest in the translation, subtitling or dubbing process themselves, which can be expensive and time-consuming.
  3. Better Understanding of Cultural Nuances: Localised content demonstrates an understanding of the cultural nuances of the target audience, making it more engaging and relatable. This can result in increased viewer retention and loyalty.
  4. Competitive Advantage: Distributors and acquisition or licensing teams are in a highly competitive market, and localised content can provide a competitive advantage. It shows that they understand the importance of localisation and are committed to providing the best possible experience for their target audience.
  5. Fulfilling Regional Requirements: Some countries have regulatory requirements that mandate localisation of content before distribution. By acquiring already localised content, distributors and acquisition or licensing teams can fulfill these requirements more easily and efficiently.

Challenges faced by localisation companies in film and entertainment.

  1. Language barriers: The most obvious challenge faced by localisation companies is the language barrier. Localisation companies must be able to translate and adapt content into multiple languages, often working with a team of translators and linguists to ensure accuracy and consistency. This requires a deep understanding of different languages and cultures, as well as the ability to navigate complex linguistic nuances and idiomatic expressions.
  2. Tight deadlines: Film and entertainment companies often operate on tight deadlines, leaving localisation companies with little time to complete their work. This can make it challenging to ensure that the final product is of high quality, as there may not be enough time for multiple rounds of editing and proofreading.
  3. Technical limitations: Localisation companies must also contend with technical limitations, particularly when it comes to subtitling and dubbing. For example, subtitling can be difficult when there is a lot of on-screen action or dialogue, and dubbing can be challenging when trying to match lip movements with translated dialogue.
  4. Cultural differences: Different regions and cultures have different norms and values, which can make localising content challenging. Localisation companies must be aware of these cultural differences and adapt the content accordingly, while still preserving the original message and intent of the content.
  5. Copyright and licensing issues: Localisation companies must also contend with copyright and licensing issues, as they may not have the legal right to translate and distribute certain content in certain regions. This can make it challenging to provide localised content that meets the needs and demands of audiences in different regions.
  6. Quality control: Finally, localisation companies must be able to maintain a high level of quality control, ensuring that the localised content is accurate, consistent, and of high quality. This requires a rigorous process of editing, proofreading, and quality assurance, which can be time-consuming and resource-intensive.

Early signals to find the best localisation projects in Film and Television?

Join the Vitrina AI network to track real time market intel on new projects. Vitrina provide early signals to allow prospecting teams within localisation companies to find relevant producers, distributors, and streaming networks that are in need of localisation in the near future.

There other ways to find potential opportunities, but these are either time consuming, unpredictable or then cost intensive. These are:

  • Attend trade events
  • Endlessly browse through social media and editorial websites to look for any signs of business potential
  • Referrals
  • Google endlessly to find production companies that may or may not be working on projects that require localisation.
  • Track new projects: Localisation companies can attend industry events and conferences, such as film festivals and trade shows, to network with industry professionals.

Use Vitrina to instantly track companies in immediate need of localisation.

Vitrina lets you track:

  1. Announcements of international distribution deals
  2. Top performing content of upcoming releases in international markets
  3. Requests for localization services from distributors or broadcasters close to release dates
  4. Content being showcased in upcoming international film festivals or awards, which may require localized versions of films for submission
  5. Catalog/Library or multiple title license acquisitions by streaming platforms for worldwide or regional releases.

Top Localisation companies in Asia

  • SDI Media
  • Keywords Studios
  • IYUNO Media Group
  • BTI Studios
  • Visual Data Media Services
  • Deluxe Localization
  • ZOO Digital
  • VSI Asia
  • Pixelogic Media
  • Mitra Global Cahaya

Award winning localisation companies in Europe

  • VSI Group
  • ZOO Digital
  • BTI Studios
  • IYUNO Media Group
  • Studio Hamburg Enterprises
  • Deluxe Localization
  • Sub-Ti Ltd.
  • Hiventy
  • Soundub
  • STI Studios

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