Global Film & TV Production Snapshot: Last 31 Months

Global Film & TV Production Snapshot: Last 31 Months

Catch an in-depth analysis of the global film and TV production landscape over the past 31 months in this report. Get insights into regional performance shifts and notable changes in production volumes and development activities as of July 2024. This July update highlights a significant rebound in the industry, with film and TV production financing stabilizing after declines in 2022-2023. While EMEA sees a modest global recovery, the Americas face setbacks. Notably, July 2024 saw a remarkable 9% increase in global production volumes, signaling a resurgence. However, IP and development activity experienced a 16% decline compared to June. Read here for an exciting July update

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Source: Vitrina Daily Projects Tracker Jan’22-July’24

Vitrina Global Projects Tracker: Vitrina Global Film+TV Projects Tracker provides daily updates and insights on film and TV projects worldwide, linking them to relevant companies and decision-makers, throughout the entertainment supply-chain. Production Volume are the total number of projects greenlit or financed or commissioned in that month.

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