Join us for an exclusive look into Netflix’s content strategy. We’ll dive into Netflix’s approach to engaging global audiences.
Production vs. Acquisitions:
Explore what Netflix is producing versus acquiring across different genres, languages, and regions.
Global Expansion:
Uncover Netflix’s strategy for expanding in key regions and how it’s shaping the platform’s global influence.
Inside the Platform:
Get real-time insights into flagship original series and films, and learn how they continue to drive Netflix’s global success.
Future Outlook:
Stay ahead of the curve with exclusive insights into Netflix’s upcoming content strategies and its evolving entertainment landscape.
Vitrina Business Network, a market network with 72,000+ industry professionals, connects entertainment companies globally. Content Acquirers with Distributors. Production, Post, Localization customers to specialist vendors.
Our network includes major players like Netflix, NBCU, Warner Bros. Discovery, SBS, Globo, SBT, BBC, and more, making it the ideal platform to connect with film and TV show content & service providers.

Atul Phandis
Founder & CEO Vitrina

Kunal Barai
Head of Global Markets Vitrina