Green Superhero (2030 Documentary)
Join an extraordinary team of 10 young environmentalists, aged 5 to 17, hailing from diverse corners of the globe, as they embark on a daring quest to rescue our planet. Born into an era teetering on the brink of ecological crisis, where our oceans and landfills are choked by plastic, the rainforests and their animal life face relentless destruction, and our dependence on fossil fuels threatens our Earth’s very sustainability, these 10 Green SuperHeroes, some students of Jane Goodall, some with disabilities, invite us to witness their journey of hope. Together, they ignite a spark within us all, urging us to be part of the solution.
Armed with their boundless creativity and scientific curiosity, they devise groundbreaking environmental initiatives. Crafted with cinematic finesse, the film uses the magic of green screens and drone aerials, along with imaginative visual effects and holograms. Hosted by young luminaries, this enchanting tale not only will entertain but will also sow the seeds of environmental stewardship in the hearts and minds of children worldwide.
The documentary was completed in November 2023 by Sin Amor Films LLC. Righst is available world wide and any period as we just started seeking for distribution.
1-Kyle Tianshi, age 15, has done award-winning research from his Garage Lab and designed a detector to combat microplastic contamination in our oceans called NEREID. Clearwater Innovation
Press: Kyle Tianshi wins the Stockholm Junior Water Prize for California
2-Ryan Hickman, age 13, committed to Zero Waste, a CNN Young Wonder, and a Youth Ambassador at the Pacific Marine Mammal Center in Laguna Beach, California, created PROJECT 3R, (Reuse, Reduce, Recycle). Ryan’s Recycling
Press: Making Environmental Changes With Ryan’s Recycling Company Ryan Hickman on Ellen Degeneres Show. Ryan Hickman on CBS
3-Katia Thomas, age 14, has developed DAESSE, an award-winning device that creates and harnesses electricity from garbage. Her efforts to create renewable energy are inspired by her close work with the indigenous communities of the Amazon Rainforest in Ecuador as they fight to preserve their land. Engineering Honorable Mention Science Fair L.A. and Amazon Rainforest advocate through Grades of Green.
Katia’s work: @KatiaThomas
4-Janeth Guanulema, age 16, shares her passion to save Ecuador’s Amazon rainforest—the place her indigenous community has called home since time immemorial—from the threat of deforestation and fracking.
5-Connor Berryhill, age 15, who is on the autism spectrum, has created the Micro-Activist Foundation, “where kids love to let life live,” devoted to connecting and educating youth on protecting our oceans’ health and creating the next generation of sea warriors.
Press: This award-winning 11-year-old MicroActivist started his own nonprofit to save our oceans
6-Sam Torres, age 17, a passionate plant-based activist, now with the Surfrider Foundation, has developed campaigns, such as #MeatlessMonday, to motivate and educate young people to eat more healthily. Grades of Green
7-Jessica Ong, age 17, through her non-profit Toys2Care, has rescued thousands of used toys from ending up in landfills placing them in the hands of kids in need in over 40 countries.
8-Justin Sather, age 11, through his passion for frogs—an indicator species, realized that the planet is in dire need of help. He founded Justin’s Frog Project to protect their habitats such as rainforests and, under the mentorship of Jane Goodall, joined The Ocean Cleanup.
Press: Jane Goodall inspired this frog-loving boy to become a global activist PASSION FOR FROGS INSPIRES TEN-YEAR-OLD TO HELP PROTECT THE PLANET
9-Ianna Mallyaka, age 13, through her Ianna Malaika Foundation in Kenya, and her slogan There is No Planet B, has planted thousands of trees and helps conserve the soil through her ENVIROSAVE project.
Press: Ianna Mallaika
State of Youth: Ianna Mallayka Foundation
10-Nina Gomes—a 5-year-old international sensation—collects plastics in Rio de Janeiro’s Bay every day after school from her dad’s surfboard.
Press: GloboNews –Nina Gomes and Green Superheroes 2030 featured in national Brazil TV
Instituto Mar Urbano Brazil featured our teaser and received 26+ K views Nina Gomes, who was named as the youngest “Green Agent” by the Municipal Urban Cleaning Company Comlurb, points at an image of a fish accompanied by her father in Rio de Janeiro.
Our Green SuperHeroes journey ends with a visit to two environmentally pioneer locations:
Will Rogers Elementary School in California and a tour of The Netherlands Sustainability